Oscillators, Bulk-Effect (GUNN,TED) Compare 10 Companies

Compare and research Bulk Effect Oscillator companies and businesses online.

Sivers Semiconductors AB (publ) is the parent company of a Group that comprises of the wholly owned subsidiaries Sivers Wireless AB, Sivers Photonics Ltd and Trebax AB. Operations are mainly conducted through the two business areas Wireless and Photonics. Sivers Semiconductors and Sivers...

Electronic component distributors, including hard to find parts. Hybrid Electronics, "the strongest link in your supply chain management!"

Spacek Labs is dedicated to providing custom-designed mm-wave components and subsystems to universities, research institutions, private industry and Government. Our amplifiers, mixers, Gunn oscillators, frequency multipliers, filters, receivers, frequency translators and mm-wave assemblies are...

Microwave tubes and solid state or tube-driven microwave circuit modules for aerospace applications.

Global Manufacturer of frequency controlled products. Crystals, Oscillators, VCXO, TCXO and OCXO. Stock and quick-turn available.

Millitech, Inc., offers the broadest line of millimeter-wave products in the industry, including components, assemblies and systems covering a range of 18 to >200 GHz.

Farran Technology, Ltd., designs and manufactures a wide range of millimetre-wave Components and SubSystems. Waveguide based components include Gunn Oscillators, Frequency Multipliers, Detectors, Amplifiers, Mixers, UpConverters, and DownConverters. We also offer a range of custom modules such...