The Si473x, Si474x, Si4707 and Si4830 devices are the industry's first fully integrated, 100% CMOS AM/FM/SW/LW and WB radio receiver ICs. Offering unmatched integration and PCB space savings, the Si47xx only requires two external components and less than 15 mm² of board area excluding the antenna inputs.
Si4730/31 AM/FM radio receiver ICs
Si4734/35 AM/FM/shortwave/longwave radio receiver ICs
Si4736/37 AM/FM/weather band radio receiver ICs
Si4738/39 FM/weather band radio receiver ICs
Si474x Automotive AM/FM radio receiver ICs
Si4707 Weather band radio receiver with Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) decoder
Si4830 Mechanically-tuned AM/FM radio receiver ICs
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