The HHM series broadband harmonic mixers
covers full waveguide bands from 18 – 110
GHz. They utilize a low loss finline structure
mated to a GaAs Schottky beam lead diode for
minimum conversion loss and maximum bandwidth.
The millimeter wave RF frequency is
down converted (using a low cost microwave
LO) to a lower frequency, which can in turn
interface with a spectrum analyzer or
frequency counter.
Two terminal mixers (waveguide RF,
combined coaxial LO/IF port) units are available
for systems equipped with an internal
Three terminal mixers (waveguide RF, coaxial
IF port, coaxial LO port) units are available for
systems without an internal diplexer.
Applications Features
Spectrum Analyzer Mixers No Input Bias Required
Signal Processing Full Waveguide Band Coverage
General RF Detection Finline Planar Design
Phase Locked Loops Low Conversion Loss
Frequency Measurement Optional IF Amplifiers
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