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CST CABLE STUDIO® (CST CS) is dedicated to the three-dimensional analysis of signal integrity (SI), conducted emission (CE), radiated emission (RE), and electromagnetic susceptibility (EMS) of complex cable structures in electrically large systems. It provides powerful import filters from popular MCAD and ECAD tools for smooth integration into the industrial workflow.

With its main focus on automotive and aerospace applications, CST CS is equipped with enhanced visualization capabilities in order to interactively highlight selected signals or cables in both the 3D graphic view and the 2D schematic view. Visual positioning checks of connectors and cables are easily possible. Information about which cable carries which signal or which wires are connected to which connector pins can be directly accessed in the CST CS navigation tree.

CST CABLE STUDIO is fully integrated in CST STUDIO SUITE® so users benefit from the manpower and experience invested in its world renowned user interface. CST CABLE STUDIO can easily exchange data with full 3D solvers of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® for EMC/EMI simulations.

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