Astrodyne TDI

36 Newburgh Rd
Hackettstown, NJ 07840

About Astrodyne TDI

Astrodyne TDI designs and manufactures innovative power solutions for demanding applications worldwide. Astrodyne TDI is committed to meet or exceed customer expectations through excellence in quality, customer service, employee development and innovation, while maintaining the effectiveness of the Quality Management System with the mindset of continual improvement.

Company products include power supplies and EMI filters for industrial, semiconductor manufacturing, medical apparatus, consumer appliance, military, aerospace, and many varied markets. With more than 50 years power supplies and EMI filter design experience, Astrodyne TDI engineers and employees are knowledgeable in various markets.

Competitors of Astrodyne TDI

With over 57 years of experience and innovation, Sinclair boasts a rich history of technological achievements and prides itself as a pioneer in the field of antenna and filter development. Sinclair provides the latest high quality antenna and filter products, systems and coverage solutions for... Read More

VPT, Inc.

VPT, Inc. is a global leader in providing power conversion solutions for use in avionics, military, and space applications. VPT offers high reliability DC-DC converters, EMI filters, accessory power products, and custom engineering services for the rapid development of critical power... Read More

ETS Lindgren

The authority in energy testing and management solutions, ETS Lindgren provides RF and magnetic shielding, diagnostic testing, and trouble shooting for an assortment of applications, as well as shielding systems for any purpose. Our team of 750 professionals design and manufacture the... Read More