SRC Cables

5590 Skylane Boulevard
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1030

About SRC Cables

Santa Rosa, California supplier of milspec and communications gear flexible and semi-rigid coax assemblies, SRC's "316 Triple Shield" popular test cables, and we make SRC PolyIron® ultra thin microwave absorber for cell phones, radar, waveguides, cellular antennas, microwave equipment, public safety and the military applications that we all depend upon in today's wireless world. SRC --our name means "semi-rigid-coax"!

Competitors of SRC Cables

SRC Cables

Santa Rosa, California supplier of milspec and communications gear flexible and semi-rigid coax assemblies, SRC's "316 Triple Shield" popular test cables, and we make SRC PolyIron® ultra thin microwave absorber for cell phones, radar, waveguides, cellular antennas, microwave equipment, public... Read More