ELVA-1 Ltd.

P.O.Box 1090
Morgan Hill, CA 95038

About ELVA-1 Ltd.

ELVA-1 Millimeter Wave Division was founded in 1993 as a research and production company, with manufacturing in St. Petersburg, Russia. Our US sales office is managed by Gilland Electronics in Morgan Hill, CA. Gilland has been in business since 1990.

ELVA-1 is a renowned supplier of millimeter wave components, subsystems and test equipment for commercial applications, and to some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world, such as CERN in Switzerland, Joint European Torus (JET), General Atomics and NIST in the US, and several US universities. We also produce a family of commercial digital radios operating in the 40GHz, 70/80GHz and 94GHz frequency ranges.

Some of our most popular products are:
Direct-reading power meters from 10MHz to 170GHz
FMCW radar front-ends and distance sensors
Narrow-band multipliers, to 25x multiplication
Precision solid-state CW noise sources
High-powered pulsed noise sources
Laboratory synthesizers and high-powered VCOs
Custom designs

Competitors of ELVA-1 Ltd.

Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc.

Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc.

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