Oscillators, YIG-Tuned Compare 13 Companies

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Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc.

Technically superior products at reasonable prices.


Micro Lambda Wireless was founded with the purpose of supplying the microwave community with technically superior products at reasonable prices with the highest regard to customer service and quality. Products include YIG oscillators, YIG bandpass & band reject filters, frequency multipliers,...

Sivers Semiconductors AB (publ) is the parent company of a Group that comprises of the wholly owned subsidiaries Sivers Wireless AB, Sivers Photonics Ltd and Trebax AB. Operations are mainly conducted through the two business areas Wireless and Photonics. Sivers Semiconductors and Sivers...

DOMIC VCO: Ultimate YIG Oscillator Performance. Broadband Sustainability. Low Cost X-Band Oscillator with state of the art Low Phase Noise.
Learn more about DOMIC VCO

Electronic component distributors, including hard to find parts. Hybrid Electronics, "the strongest link in your supply chain management!"

IT Professionals rely on ConRes for unbiased architecture, infrastructure and data center solutions ranging from storage, datacenter, networking, virtualization, disaster recovery, hybrid cloud, security, and infrastructure to Linux and Windows. Over 50 years experience combines with 500+...

Phase Matrix, Inc. designs and manufactures RF and microwave test and measurement instruments and is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Instruments. Our array of instruments includes traditional benchtop frequency counters, modular (VXI) pulsed frequency counters, and modular (VXI and PXI)...

YIG Oscillators: Omniyig's standard YIG-tuned Oscillators are electronically tuned in multi-octave bands. These units features a novel coupling technique tp provide maximum RF power output, extended tuning frequency range and a lower second harmonic and other spurious responses. The superb linearity of these...
Learn more about YIG Oscillators

AtlanTecRF supplies a wide range of microwave and RF components and equipment to the global marketplace in aerospace, telecommunications, defense and scientific research. From attenuators and amplifiers through couplers, connectors, isolators, power dividers to oscillators, switches,...

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